Lifestyle Guidance

Lifestyle guidance is an increasingly important element of our service. There are so many financial, physical and emotional pressures on all of us that sometimes it is good to have a knowledgeable advocate to help you draw up a plan for your life. It helps to have someone you can talk to when making financial decisions.

Overall, we like to feel we’re part of ‘team you’ helping you to plan and achieve your goals, so that you achieve the life you want to lead.

Core Values

We offer clarity, common sense and total reliability, combined with financial flair.

Why do you Need Us

Our holistic approach, combined with an insightful understanding of the worlds of finance, law, taxation, investment and insurance, ensures all your bases are covered.

Support for your family

Your financial affairs are rarely a solo enterprise. Nowadays, the management of a family’s financial affairs is more akin to running a business, with all the ‘partners’ having their own issues and needs.

Your children are a vital part of this process. Often they will stand to inherit considerable sums from you and we need to ensure they are fully prepared for this responsibility; we offer them support without an initial consultation fee until they are aged 25.

We believe that by instilling the principles of good financial management at an early age, we will help young adults to start their financial life well prepared.

We then work with them to keep their plans on track well into the future.

Essential Wealth Management
1-2 Great Farm Barns
West Woodhay
Berkshire RG20 0BP
Tel: 01488 669840
Fax: 01488 669216
Email: [email protected]

Essential Wealth Management is a trading name of 2plan wealth management Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. It is entered on the FCA register ( under reference 461598. Registered office: 2plan wealth management Ltd, 3rd Floor, Bridgewater Place, Water Lane, Leeds, LS11 5BZ. Registered in England and Wales Number: 05998270

The information on this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore targeted at consumers in the UK.